When you first launched your website, you probably chose shared hosting, like many other new site owners. After all, it’s the most cost-effective alternative, and budget is crucial. However, when your website expands, you’ll need to know when it’s time to upgrade to something more robust. There are numerous options available, and you might be wondering, “What is the best hosting type, and which one do I opt for?”
The answer to this is going for dedicated hosting for a variety of reasons.
You could be dealing with an immediate increase in traffic or expecting future development. Dedicated servers are suitable for this because of their improved security features and the potential for faster page loading times.
If you need a web hosting type for your growing website, dedicated hosting is always a good choice because it offers the most resources.
It is essential to understand dedicated hosting before purchasing a dedicated hosting plan.
Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated hosting is a form of web hosting where a single client has access to a dedicated server with dedicated resources. Dedicated hosting plans are ideal for all types of websites, including high-traffic WordPress pages. Several WordPress hosting companies provide dedicated hosting plans, as well as shared and Managed VPS India plans.
The term “dedicated hosting” simply refers to the fact that the website is hosted on its own server.
Cheap Dedicated hosting is a better choice if you want to upgrade your hosting service type for larger websites and increased traffic. The cost of a dedicated server is determined by the website’s requirements.
The various advantages of dedicated hosting are:
There are no upfront costs
Dedicated hosting costs are fair, according to hosting service providers. The hosting service provider also provides technical support and security.
The Unique IP address
In dedicated hosting, the website is assigned a unique IP address. For e-commerce websites that need an SSL certificate, a specific IP is required.
No maintenance and purchase costs
Many hosting companies provide a professionally operated dedicated server, which cuts down on website maintenance costs.
Enhancements to performance and defense
Using a dedicated hosting service guarantees that your website is still available. If a website receives a lot of traffic, dedicated servers provide more flexibility and reliability than shared hosting.
If you use a dedicated server, you can also be sure that you aren’t sharing space with a malicious website or spammer. Dedicated hosting improves security, which is particularly important for businesses that perform sensitive transactions over FTP or SSL.
When searching for a dedicated server provider, keeping the following factors like Servers, Reliability, Security, Performance, and Customization is essential.
Talking about the best web host in the hosting industry, MilesWeb is the company that provides you the best web hosting service and the most reliable dedicated server hosting plans.
About MilesWeb
MilesWeb is a web hosting company based in India that was established in 2012. The company offers a variety of web hosting plans as well as a variety of facilities. MilesWeb’s only objective is to render the best web hosting plans and services to their clients. They have over 30,000 pleased and happy customers in the business to date. The company also extends 24×7 expert support for customers, a 99.95 percent uptime guarantee, and a 30-day money-back guarantee, in addition to various hosting options.
The business uses a physical server known as a bare metal dedicated server. The data of these servers are not shared by any of the inhabitants.
Your website will run in a completely isolated environment on a bare metal dedicated server.
MilesWeb provides an Intel-powered processor that is 100% dedicated server and presents extraordinary performance for your website.
The dedicated hosting resources given by MilesWeb for the base plan are:
- E5-2609 2.4GHz (4 Cores) Intel Xeon Processor
- 8GB Memory
- 1TB SAS Storage
- 1TB Bandwidth
- 1 Dedicated IP
MilesWeb’s Dedicated Hosting Main Features
Hardware RAID
RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 are all supported by the bare-metal physical server. RAID is a data storage technology that enhances data protection, speed, and reliability, among other things.
Exceptional Bandwidth
For bare-metal servers, the organization provides bandwidth ranging from 100 Mb/s to 1 GBPS, rising data transfer rates, interactivity, application execution, and so on.
Subnets for private VLANs
You can build private server clusters using 10Gbps VLAN subnets. VLANs establish a virtual boundary around servers, which improves server security.
Strong network
The data centers are connected by a Multiple Internet Exchange, which allows traffic to be exchanged between members of the internet exchange. The Multiple Internet Exchange decreases latency and improves accessibility, among other things.
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
The company’s bare metal dedicated server is equipped with one IPv4 and IPv6 address. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses improve server security, mobility, and other features.
Service Level Agreement
The company guarantees a 99.95 percent uptime, ensuring that your website is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
MilesWeb gives you the liberty to choose the control panel of your choice.
MilesWeb has collaborated with industry-leading web-based control panels such as cPanel, Plesk, and Webuzo to make managing your bare metal dedicated server as simple as possible. If you’ve decided to use CentOS for your dedicated server, you can use cPanel or Plesk for CentOS, Debian, or Ubuntu, while Webuzo is best for CentOS and Ubuntu.
With Dedicated server hosting MilesWeb offers you:
- Unlimited Websites Hosting
- SSH Root Access
- High-Performance Guaranteed
- Free Setup Without Any Contract
- Reliability
- Security
- 100% Dedicated Resources
- Customizable
- Hardware Level Control
- Powerful Servers
To sum it up:
If you have a high traffic website or large e-commerce website, or you have agencies with high profile client dedicated server is the most suitable for your business.