5 Tips to Enhance Your Linux VPS Performance

A VPS is designed to be a high-performing, secure, and reliable server for web hosting. Also, if we compare Windows and Linux as the operating system for the VPS, Linux offers better server management options. Hence, it is no surprise that in recent years, many websites have turned to Linux VPS Hosting as their preferred web hosting option. However, there are always ways to make something good even better. Today, we are going to share five important tips that can enhance the performance of your Linux VPS.

1. Tweak the Apache Settings

Apache settings are critical for the optimum performance of a VPS. A minor error in configuration can lead to the VPS hogging the available resources. This is technical in nature, and you will need to hire the services of a Linux expert to tweak them to ensure that your VPS performs optimally. Some settings that require minor tweaking are Max Clients, Keep Alive, Max Requests Per Child, Start Servers, etc.

2. Ensure that MySQL has the latest updated version

For any web server to offer high performance, its database must be updated and optimized. On your Linux VPS, check if MySQL is still running on an older version. If yes, then you are risking not just the performance of your VPS but also its security. Updating MySQL also requires technical expertise, and it is better to hire an expert to do the job.

3. Content Caching

One of the most preferred ways of improving the performance of a web server is caching. This is a process in which repeatedly requested static files are temporarily stored in the cache memory and used to fulfil subsequent requests. This goes a long way in reducing the response time for each request and frees up server resources for other tasks. You can look at caching software like Varnish Cache to boost the performance of your VPS.

4. Content Optimization

Your website is an array of content created to be delivered to site visitors. All this content is stored on the web server. Over time, some of this content can become redundant or outdated. Also, some of your content might not be optimized for a performance like heavy image files, etc. Hence, it is important to optimize the content on your web server for performance and speed and keep the database clear of any unwanted content.

5. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

The geographical distance between a site visitor and your web server can have a direct impact on the perceived performance of your website. This is where a CDN comes handy. It is a network of servers that store copies of your site data. When a user visits your website, the server closest to him fulfils the request. This reduces the response time and improves the perceived performance of your VPS.

Summing Up…

Remember, VPS Server Hosting is a powerful hosting option. With dedicated resources and an isolated account environment, it is as good as having a dedicated server at a marginal cost. However, if you don’t optimize your server, then even a dedicated server won’t be enough to offer a high-performing website. Follow the tips mentioned above and talk to a Linux expert to start optimizing your VPS. Good Luck!